Export advice and Distribution

Business Offering

We focus on supporting smaller business to export and do international trade. We are a group of multi-cultural business people that understand the market conditions across Europe, US, Asia and Latin-America. We want to support smaller business grow their business through export and can provide advice in the best approach to this and finding partners in attractive markets.

We have a strong logistocs background and can therefore help establishing the landed costs for the goods that you export. Part of our package is of course also to offer the Logistics solutions to you when you get started with your export.

Our aimĀ is to support the SME's market with innovative solutions that provide export oppoetunities and savings on their overall logistics costs.

If you are interested in this concept, you can go to Contact Us page and explain what you are looking for and we will help and support you in the interest of the growing SME business.

CBS Consultancy has already been through some very interesting projects, learn more about our experience.

See our case studies